Weston Way Nursery School


Most of your children spend a year of their lives here with us at Weston Way Nursery School.

We consider it a great privilege to be able to contribute to their lives at such a formative time of their development.  Amongst our families, we know there must be a wealth of talent and resources amongst the parents, relatives and friends. Please support us in making a valuable contribution to their nursery education in a number of ways:

  • Volunteering time to help the children within the nursery with computers, baking, playing games, reading stories, etc.
  • Helping maintain our already established garden ‘allotment’ with the children – green fingers an advantage but not a necessity!
  • Donating plants/seeds for our growing area.
  • Donating to our various role-play themes; opticians, hairdressers, shop, etc.
  • Do you play a musical instrument or are you a member of a group or band willing to show the children your talents?
  • Could you spare time to share with us your personal cultural experiences?
  • Do you work for a large company who have surplus materials we could put to good use?
  • Do you have a profession that would be interesting to the children? 

Just 20 minutes of your time would be ample to share experiences.

We would be grateful if you could think if there is a way you can support your child and the nursery.

We also ask for a termly donation towards enrichment activities such as cooking resources, and will also write to you to request donations if we are planning a visit or visitor to facilitate the running of such an event, e.g. farm visit.

All contributions directly benefit the education for each child.


As you purchase goods online, you can also sign up to Easyfundraising who pay us commission on every penny spent.  This means we can dedicate these funds to providing further resources to support your child's learning and development. 

Anyone can do this, so please extend the invite to family and friends. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign yourself up:


Type "Weston Way Nursery" as your chosen cause.

Thank you for your support.