Weston Way Nursery School

Early Years Pupil Premium

The EYPP is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds.

Children will attract the funding if they meet the set criteria (further details available from the school).

Parents will be asked to complete the funding section on the Admissions Form (parent’s name, date of birth, National Insurance no.) to see if they are eligible before their child starts attending the school.  The school receives an additional £100 each term the child attends the nursery.

The additional money is used to support the needs of each child and the school is accountable for how the money is spent.  At Weston Way Nursery this money is used to:

  • Train staff in identified specific areas
  • Funding enrichment activities linked to the development of the child
  • Funding for additional resources
  • Funding for additional support staff to deliver extra support
  • Funding to support the needs of the child within the family

The school keeps records to show the development/progress of every child who attends the nursery.  This is shared with parents so they are involved in the partnership to ensure all children make good progress.



EYPP Grant Strategy 2024-2025


EYPP Grant Strategy and Review 2023-2024

EYPP Grant Strategy and Review 2022-2023

EYPP Grant Strategy and Review 2021-2022Early Years Pupil Premium Grant Strategy and Review 2020-21