Weston Way Nursery School

Improvement Plans

At Weston Way Nursery School, we are committed to being reflective in our practice. 

Each year, we set over-arching priorities for our annual improvement planning.  These are derived as part of our monitoring and evaluation cycle which listens to the voices of all partners of the nursery (children, parent/carers, families, staff co-adventurers, governors, community members, local authority).  

During the course of the year, we work collaboratively on our plan and regularly review our progress.

Improvement Plan 2023-2024

weston way sip 2023 2024 overview.pdf


Improvement Plan 2022-2023

 If you would like to see the full version of our School Improvement Plan, please contact the nursery office.

2022-2023 Review

 Survey 2022-2023 Outcomes