Weston Way Nursery School

Our A-Z of Weston Way



All parents/carers are notified when their child has had an accident at nursery.  Minor accidents are treated by nursery staff.  If it is a head injury, we will call families immediately to notify them.  Parents/carers sign a disclaimer on admission to nursery to allow a member of staff to take a child to the local hospital if required.

If a child requires a change of clothes during their session, we supply these and ask that they are washed and returned to nursery within a week to keep our stock plentiful.


We offer nursery places for 3-4 year olds for an academic year.

Admissions are administered by the Nursery for universal 15 hour places and 30 hour places for eligible families.

Please see our Admissions page for more information.

Adverse Weather

There may be times when the weather, e.g. heavy snow, may impact nursery opening as we risk assess whether we can open safely.  You will be notified via email to update you as well as updates on our website and facebook page.


We always ask families to update us with any allergies their child has so that all staff are aware.  We display this in locations around the nursery if there are health implications with parental consent.


All children must be dropped off and collected by a responsible adult who has been named on our records.  If this changes then we must be notified in writing (email admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk ).  We use a password system to verify this upon collection.

Whilst children settle, it can take some time for them to come confidently into the setting.  Together we liaise with families to support this period to ensure that we meet the needs of the child in the best way possible.  Please encourage your child to walk whilst on site as this will help them to distinguish between the expectations of being at home with family members and being at nursery as we are unable to carry children.


When starting at Weston Way, each child will join a small group of children with a member of staff as their key person.  This member of staff will work closely with their group assessing and recording individual progress and ensuring that each child’s needs are being met.

We spend time watching, waiting and wondering with children through quality interactions as children play and explore our environment.


We encourage full attendance each week to support every child familiarise themselves with routines which ultimately helps them to feel safe and secure within the environment.  Punctuality at drop off and collection also aids this.

If for any reason, your child is unable to attend then we ask that you phone or email the school office before 8.45am on each day of absence (01462 892172 / admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk ) . Please leave a message on the answerphone if we are unavailable.


Bikes, Scooters, Buggies

We encourage children to travel to nursery by foot, whether this be walking, scooting or riding a bike as there are direct health benefits (grown-ups too!).  There is an area tucked away where you may wish to leave a bike or scooter at drop off.

Due to health and safety, all buggies and prams need to also be stored in this area as we do not have the space for these inside the building.


We love to celebrate birthdays!  We will sing happy birthday to every child in their colour group.  Some families like to send in a little something for others to share if you would like to do so.  All products must be nut free.


Charging and remissions

Please refer to our online Charging and remissions policy: Policies (Key Info menu tab)

Child Protection

Our School aims to work in partnership with families to support the children in all possible ways.  The Children Act 1989, however, places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure that they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  Because of this responsibility, if concerns are raised within the school, or if a child or adult reports a situation involving possible abuse, we would not be able to guarantee confidentiality.  The matter would be referred to the county Safeguarding Team.  This is in accordance with Government and Hertfordshire County Council policy.

Please refer to our Child Protection policy: Policies (Key Info menu tab)


At times, we receive emails, letters and flyers from a range of external providers or agencies which we may forward to yourselves.  We must stress that we are only acting as a distributor and therefore are unable to approve what is on offer.  Choosing to participate is your parental responsibility as to whether you consider it to be appropriate. 


All of our staff are co-adventurers.  Together we work in unison creating a nursery environment which keeps your child at the centre.  We are each cogs turning the wheel ensuring that your child can achieve their full potential through their play

Coat Pegs

Every child is allocated their own coat peg.  Having their own space for their coat supports their independence.

Children may be taught a trick for putting their coat on:

1. Place the coat down on the floor and the child stands by the hood or label.

2. Their hands go in the sleeves and they lift their arms up over their head.

3. The coat slides down and onto their body.


At Weston Way Nursery, we recognise the importance of communication.  We contact families through email and also send regular newsletters.  It is imperative that all families keep up to date via these avenues as we know how important it is for you to receive relevant information.  Our website and facebook pages are also useful sources of information.

We can be contacted via phone (01462 892172) or email (admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk) during the working week.

Complaints Procedure

Please refer to our online Complaints policy:  Policies (Key Info menu tab)

Consultation Meetings

During the year, you will be given the opportunity to meet with your child’s key person to discuss how the children have settled into the nursery routine/update of progress both at home and nursery.

We call these meetings, "Home to Home meetings".


Please see our Contributions page.


Please see our EYFS Curriculum section


Data Protection – Privacy Notices

Weston Way Nursery School holds information on children and their families in order to support their teaching, learning and monitoring progress.

  • Please see our policies and privacy notices: Policies

Dental hygiene

Caring for our teeth impacts our overall health and well-being.  Please see these resources for some thoughts and ideas around this:

Looking after your child's teeth


All children are required to bring a named, full water bottle to nursery each day.  Water is available throughout the day and can be refilled if required.  Please do not fill water bottles with squash as this encourages minibeasts into the setting and is also not recommended for regular consumption as the aim of drinking water is to hydrate the brain.  Milk is freely available to all nursery children.


Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

Please see our Early Years Pupil Premium page.

English as an Additional Language

It is important for us to understand the range of languages our children are exposed to.  In this way, we can support their progress through our deeper understanding and promotion of their home language.  We encourage families to share with us their multi-linguistic background and multi-cultural heritage so together we can value and support each child to develop a strong identity.

We want all children to have the opportunity to TALK, TALK, TALK.


Throughout the year, we offer a range of activities to enrich the children’s experiences, e.g. Einstein Entertainers Science Workshop.  We build on the children’s interests when planning these and also invite the children to experience something new.

Equality and Diversity

We talk a lot about the unique child but each family is unique too.  We value all members of our community irrelevant of background.  Our equitable approach ensures all individuals are treated fairly based on their needs.  

Extended Provision

Please see our Extended Provision section.


Fire Drills

We have regular fire drills each term so families may find their children tell them about this event.  It is important for our young children to know what to do in the event of a fire.  We speak to the children and practise procedures in order to keep them safe.

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

The Governing Body of Weston Way Nursery School has adopted The Freedom of Information Publication Scheme (Act November 2005) which requires us to protect and provide information.  The Act confers the right on individuals to obtain disclosure of information held by the school.  The full publication scheme can be found on our policies page: Freedom_of_Information__Publication_Scheme___February_2024.pdf


Group Time

This is part of our routine that is planned by staff and has a specific early years focus.  The activities will encompass the seven areas of learning through our curriculum goals:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Over the course of the week the children will have access to all areas of the nursery.



Please treat headlice as soon as you notice them and check all family members.  The pharmacy will be able to signpost you to a range of products.



All staff and visitors wear an ID badge whilst on site.


Weston Way Nursery School aims to create an environment in which everyone feels safe, secure and valued.  Children are happiest and learn most effectively when this happens.

In order for us to provide an environment in which children learn effectively it is important that every person follows our rainbow values.

Inside Area

In our indoor space, the children can use materials such as dry sand, water, clay, dough and wood, and through play, learn more about their properties.  They will have opportunities to learn basic maths concepts using the wide range of games and resources, as well as experiment with a large variety of mark making materials including pencils, pens, paint, etc.  In addition, they can learn more about materials and ways to join them together.

Across areas, children can use a variety of construction materials to design and make their own models.  They can enjoy role play in a variety of different situations to reflect and draw upon their personal experiences, plus play with small world figures and play sets to build storytelling and develop their imagination.  There are opportunities to explore the digital world, using the computer, i-pads and interactive whiteboard through a wide range of programs.  There are plenty of ways in which they might choose to develop their fine motor skills as they can explore a variety of resources which help develop their hand/eye co-ordination.



For health and safety reasons, items of jewellery should not be worn to nursery.  Requests for wearing of religious adornments should be made in writing to the Headteacher for consideration to ensure that health and safety requirements remain priority.


Key Person

All children will be allocated a key person who we encourage our families to build a relationship with as they are the main point of contact between you and your child.  The key person oversees the care of your child whilst they are at nursery as the main carer.


Lunch Time

30 hour children and any children accessing Silver Adventurers are required to bring a packed lunch and have the opportunity to join their friends for a lunch where they socialise, learn good table manners and develop self-help skills through engaging all of their senses.  There is an emphasis on our Rainbow values.



Please refer to our supporting children with medical conditions policy for further guidance: Policies

It is important to emphasise that children who have had diarrhoea and/or vomiting are clear for 48 hours before returning to school.

Please inform the nursery if children have any infectious diseases – measles, chicken pox, mumps, slapped cheek, hand, foot & mouth, conjunctivitis, etc.

Mobile Phones

We are a mobile phone free zone anywhere on site at the nursery.  We see the time at drop off and collection as an essential time for you to focus on your child, talk to them and provide reassurance about their day.  Upon collection, they look forward to seeing you and the warmth of your smile.  Staff will ask that mobile phones are put away whilst on site if necessary.


Our mission statement centres around “Let’s grow together”.  This encourages the children to see that they are all supporting each other as co-adventurers.


Nature Reserve

Weston Way Nursery School has been registered as an Educational Nature Reserve.

Nut Free

In order to protect everyone on site, we are a nut free setting.  This minimises risk to anyone and keeps everyone safe.



Our office is open from 8.45am-3.15pm each day.  Our office staff are happy to help with any queries you may have.


The school has now achieved an unprecedented ‘Outstanding’ grade in its last FOUR Ofsted Inspections.

Please see our Ofsted page for more information.

Online Safety

Please refer to our online safety policy in order to keep everyone safe: Policies

Support for families can be found via the following links:





Outdoor Area

We have a large outdoor space. The children have opportunities to use wheeled toys, chalkboard, climbing frame, playhouse, builders’ yard, and much more.

All the children have access to our extensive woodland area to explore a variety of environments and to see the seasonal changes first-hand.  They develop their physical skills through using their natural environment and man-made resources – which includes the large sandpit, climbing apparatus, digging and growing areas, mud kitchen and paddling pool.



Our nursery car park is for staff only due to its size.  Please park locally mindful of our neighbours if you are unable to travel by foot.


We welcome everyone to our Weston Way family as we work together in partnership to meet the needs of each child.

Play and Grow Time

The children have the opportunity to make their own choice of activities available both inside and outside enabling them to be independent in selecting their own resources, giving them the opportunity to link up with children from other colour groups.  The children will be expected to ‘Choose, Play, Tidy’ as they recognise their responsibility in leaving areas ready for someone else.


Our nursery policies can be found on our school website.  They can be available on request from the school office.  Please email admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk

Positive Behaviour

When supporting children with their behaviour, we recognise the importance of communicating positively.  We strive to understand the triggers for any incidents where a child has found it challenging to manage their feelings and emotions.  Staff act as co-regulators to model and work through any difficulties within a therapeutic approach.  We liaise with families where children would benefit from us working in partnership.

See our Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour Policy: Policies


Questionnaires / Parent View

We ask families to complete an annual questionnaire to feed into our vision for the future as we continue to adapt to meet the needs of our families.  Parent View is also an online questionnaire for you to give your views about the nursery at any time of the year.  Internally, we also ask families to Celebrate and Share their views throughout their child's adventure at the nursery.

At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.
Ofsted Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school


No question is a silly question is a motto of ours and if we don’t know then we will strive to find out.



We encourage children to ‘Love Reading’ whether that is sharing a book, comic or any other text they are interested in.  As adults, we can read and model the language for children to hear and they themselves may like to play with words they have been exposed to.  Some children may like to hear the same story over and over, as they then begin to recall key phrases.

Red Flags

Some areas of our nursery may be marked with a red flag which acts as a safety marker and we ask that everyone refrains from entering or touching the area.


On arrival at their base room the children are greeted by their key person where they have a short registration 'Welcome time' session with their key person and colour group. 

Relationships, Health and Sex Education

This is not dealt with as an isolated subject.  Children’s comments are respected and their questions dealt with honestly and in a manner appropriate to their age and stage of development.

Religious Education

Through the curriculum, aims and ethos, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of our pupils.  We believe these four cornerstones of religious education have links with each other and are common denominators.


It is really important to support your child by providing them a familiar routine at home before and after nursery, as we will also offer routine at nursery, because this provides security for them.  We are always happy to support if you are finding routine at home at challenging and can share some tips and ideas.



The Governing Body of Weston Way Nursery School report annually to the LEA on Safeguarding Practices carried out by the school to monitor compliance with the requirements of ‘Safeguarding Children in Education’ and to identify areas for improvement.  In particular, with regard to the existence and operation of appropriate policies and procedures and the training of staff including the senior person with designated responsibility for child protection.

The children’s safety and well-being is our main priority. 


Safe Site

To promote a safe site, the following needs to be adhered to by anyone visiting:

  • children must be brought to and collected from the nursery by a responsible adult who must see the staff before taking the children home
  • always ensuring the gate is closed after you
  • in the interest of safety, and for insurance purposes, we would ask you not to park your car in the staff car park and to this end, the gates are shut during the day
  • entry to the nursery school is via the pedestrian footpath only

Snack Time

Children have the opportunity for snack during the morning and afternoon. This is a sociable time where the children can discuss their play and develop their social skills. 

Children bring in fruit and vegetables from home on each day Monday to Thursday to share across the nursery.  

The nursery also provide a snack of the week, which has a particular skill associated with it, for example: Using an apple slice to independently chop the apple.  This also helps to widen children's experiences as we may offer watermelon in the warmer months as this also aids hydration.

Children have access to breadsticks particularly when the child is using the crunchy snack as means of aiding self-regulation.

Children have a choice of milk and/or water during snack times.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Please see our Special Educational Needs (SEN) page.

Speech and Language

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech and language development then please speak to your child’s key person, Senco or Deputy Senco.


Times of the Day

Please see our The School Day page.


When a child enters and leaves our setting, we liaise closely with other early years providers.  Visits take place where possible too.



Please see our Uniform page

Uncollected Child

Initially, where a child is uncollected at the end of the appointed session time, the nursery will endeavour to contact all named persons on the child's contact list.  Where a child remains uncollected at the end of the appointed session time for 15 minutes or more, and there has been no communication from the parent/carer, the nursery will alert the authorities due to concerns over the parent/carer(s) welfare, and the nursery will work with the authorities as it is imperative that secure care for the child is sourced.


Visits and Visitors

We welcome opportunities to enrich our curriculum through visits and visitors.  As noted above, we would love to hear from any member of our community if they feel they would be able to support us in offering our children a rich and varied exposure to different activities.



We ask that parents/carers as well as staff look out for those ‘WOW’ moments.  These may take place at unexpected moments and are often the result of a spontaneous action or response of a child: “Magical Moments”


X-ray: ‘being transparent’

We aim for all of our families to feel that they are able to talk to us though our ‘open door’ approach.  We want our families to feel that they have a good understanding of all aspects of our nursery provision.  Positive relationships are built on this trust.


Yearly Stay

Each year we welcome a new nursery cohort to our setting and we always look forward to the new adventures that we will have.

We encourage families to make contact with us as early as possible prior to the academic year when they turn four between 1 September and 31 August.



Make time to rest for you and your child to run at your optimal function.