Weston Way Nursery School

Learning at Home

Please see the sub menu tabs for specific detail on how you can support specific areas of learning at home.


Tapestry is an amazing way for us to communicate between home and nursery.  Together, we can share your child's WOW moments as they learn things throughout their journey no matter how big or small each achievement may seem.

To do this:

  1. Sign into your Tapestry account 
  2. Click the blue box that says '+ Add Observation'
  3. Add a title to your observation 
  4. Type any notes you think will help to explain what is happening 
  5. Click the blue box that says 'Add files' which will allow you to add 1 or multiple photos from your phone or PC
  6. Finally click the blue 'Save' button on the bottom right hand side of the page. 

We look forward to sharing your child's adventure together.

Home Learning 

Where families may be required to keep their child at home due to infection guidance, you may find that your child is well enough to access remote learning.  In the first instance, we have produced a video of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  Please email the nursery to request this and we will ensure a copy is emailed to you: admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk.

Please see below some home learning activities to complete alongside the story:

Home Learning Pack – Three Billy Goats Gruff

If you require any further support or equally if you require additional resources then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.