Weston Way Nursery School

Silver Adventurers

Silver Adventurers (Core Hour Club)

Silver circles

15 hour children have the opportunity to access Silver Adventurers which wraps around their usual nursery session during each day.

The children meet together for registration before taking part in some ‘special’ activities.  The children also join in all activities on offer throughout the nursery along with the children who attend the nursery during either the morning or the afternoon session.  A light snack is provided by the nursery for the children during their session.

Collection of children accessing extended hours is from the main entranceway at the front of the nursery building at the end of the session.  For all other drop off and collection times please speak directly to a staff member with regards to access arrangements.

Wraparound hours are booked on a half termly basis and invoices issued at the beginning of each half term based on parents requested sessions.

Silver Adventurers offers the children the opportunity to participate in a range of fun activities, make new friendships and reinforce those made during their usual nursery session. It gives the children continuity of care during the day blending nursery education and childcare seamlessly and gives parents the option of accessing longer hours for work or social commitments.

From September 2024, there is a charge of £6.00 per hour for all wraparound provision during core hours.

Children can stay until either 12.55pm for one additional hour or until 2.55pm for three additional hours.

Payments can be made by cash/cheque/ childcare vouchers or direct transfer into the school account. The account details are detailed on the invoice that parents receive. The nursery is also registered with HMRC to receive payments via the Tax Free Childcare scheme.

Cheques are made payable to Weston Way Nursery School.

All bookings are made through the office: business.manager@westonway.herts.sch.uk


If places are available children can have additional sessions to those booked, on a ‘drop in’ basis. Places must be booked in person to ensure we are able to accommodate requests and paid for at the time of booking.