Weston Way Nursery School

 Vision, Aims & Values

Our Weston Way Nursery Vision

Our Nursery vision is to have a ‘Home from Home’ feel, where as a family, we play, learn and grow in our journey together, shaping the future.Home from Home

Our Weston Way Nursery Aims

We believe that through our aims, our children will be able to build strong foundations building on the past, living in the present and preparing them for the future.

Aims tree


Be Happy: Smiling from within where children feel safe and secure


Take Opportunities: Exploring a World of possibilities

Magical moments

Make magical moments: ‘WOW’ creating long-lasting memories


Cherish engagement: Rich learning encounters every step of the way

Our Weston Way Nursery Values


Our nursery values underpin our daily practice with every unique child at the heart of everything we do.  British Values align to these ensuring we are preparing our children to be citizens of our future.

Early Years Framework Vision

At Weston Way Nursery, we are ambitious in our offer for every child. The Early Years Framework echoes this in it's recognition that every child deserves the best possible start in life and receives the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.  We recognise that children develop quickly in the early years and so a child's experiences between birth and the age of five, have a major impact on their future life chances.  It is important for children to have secure, safe and happy childhoods.  The Early Years Framework highlights the importance of good parenting and high quality early learning together to provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities as they grow.

More information of the EYFS can be found by clicking the link below and/or reading more on our Curriculum pages:

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (DfE)